Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mysterious and elusive...

Not far from where I live, there is a person that collects trailers.  He stores them at an old drive-in theater, and they are highly visible to passersby.  I've never stopped to look, but NoJuan on Flickr stole a picture of the entrance to the drive-in...

Drive In Movie Entrance

And here are the trailers!

All lined up!

He moves them around now and then.  It also looks like the collection is thinning out, but I don't have photographic evidence of that.  I'd love to go look around there, but I hear he's pretty private about his stash.  Fair enough.

I found this older picture I took a couple of years ago.

Where old trailers go to die - or live in limbo

Where did all the little trailers go?

Hopefully to good and loving homes.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Trailer art - nailed it!

In our previous post, we saw a lovely little trailer made from old license plates - so cute and clever!

But what happens when one tries to apply license plates to the outside of a trailer?

Oh dear.  I sense that this was a grand plan that looked much better in the mind than in reality.


See more while you can...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Trailer art

Sometimes you find little trailers in the most unusual places!  I was waiting in line to pay for our Durango tabs, and this cute little thing was on display in the licensing office.

License plate trailer

I'm happy to report that I didn't have to wait too long, despite the number of people ahead of me in line.  I always forget to bring a book or magazine!  Argh.

I have a bunch of old license plates - I suppose I could do something artistic with them.  Currently they just lurk around the garden.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Books and trailers!

What a great pairing!

Okay - I know that's not a vintage trailer in the background.  But it's not a bad design for a Little Free Library.  I've been thinking it would be fun to have one at our house... perhaps modeled after our trailer?

Edit:  This morning I was able to find out more about the LFL in the photo above.

Jim and Karyl McClellan. Kannapolis, NC. people involved. Our T@B camper in the background is the inspiration for our LFL. We have books for children of all ages as well as novels and nonfiction. Most of the original books were books we had previously enjoyed while camping across the country. Our neighborhood has enjoyed the library and it is such fun to see people browsing the books! We are a small neighborhood but it seems to have brought us together a bit more.
Their library, and many others can be seen on the Little Free Libraries "Libraries of Distinction" Pinterest board.


That would work!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I've returned...

Shame on me for not posting here for nearly two months.  Tsk tsk.  Perhaps I can blame the lack of interesting trailer action this time of year.  It's dark, wet, cold, and generally not conducive to doing much besides hunkering down inside with a warm drink and a book.

We've got the trailer covered and secured for winter.  Good thing too, because it SNOWED!  First time in almost two years.  We've also had some very rainy days.  Michael has been doing work off and on inside the trailer, and turning a heater on in there every few days to keep things dry.  We've got all the cushions and curtains stored here in the house too.


I've spotted a lot of interesting looking trailers, but I'm usually unable to snap a photo.  Walking a large dog or driving don't generally lend themselves to lining up a good shot.  That said, I did see an interesting trailer when we had the dog out at the park yesterday (it's been a beautiful sunny weekend here).

It's a Siesta, year unknown.  It has that 70's or 80's look to it, however.  Things really went downhill after the 60's.  Not the most thrilling of styles...



I feel like I'm done hibernating.  It must be the move into 2014 - I'm ready to look ahead to a great year of vintage trailer fun!