Tuesday, September 3, 2013

This is it!

Tomorrow we set off on our first adventure with the trailer.  We had originally planned to go to Yellowstone to pick up my son after his summer of working there, but plans changed and we have a shorter trip planned.  Probably a good thing.

We are hitched up and ready to roll.

All hitched up and ready to go!

Just a few things to pack into the truck in the morning and off we go!  Our first day is the longest drive, but then we get to stay in that spot for two nights while we visit with my parents.  My dad is the fount of knowledge as far as trailers go, so it will be good to pick his brain.  For instance, Michael knows how to put everything IN, but how does it come out?!!!  He'd never even heard the term "gray water" before!

Syd caught on to the different level of activity today, and he got really excited when we were hitching the trailer up.  He was ready to leave right then.

We're going now, right?

He was none too pleased we headed back into the house!  Poor lad.

I've got a brand new 8 GB memory card in my camera, and will report back when we return.  Signing off for a few days!


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