Wednesday, August 21, 2013



The trailer came with a lot of kitchen gear already stocked, and today Michael went through all of it to clean things up.  He's purging close to 30 pounds of utensils and frying pans and rolling pins from the trailer!  There's just no need to carry all of that superfluous stuff.  There's a handful of things we'd like to add - a set of wooden spoons, and a tiny coffee maker.  We each just drink one cup in the morning, so nothing too fancy is needed.  But we do want something, and a little maker will be the best option.

There's even a set  of plastic plates and cups  with a little fish on them - we'll be keeping those, and whichever items Michael sees fit for camp cooking.  Some of the things will stay here at home, and others will head straight to the thrift store.  Michael will just have to make a good list of what he needs for his stripped down kitchen.

Oh dear, I'm fading fast...

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