Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Trash

Last week was the inaugural "Tuesday Trash" post, and I highlighted some great book covers that fit the bill.  Then I started to think of what I could write about week after week, since I don't really want to spend time delving into "trailer trash" culture - real or imagined.


How about trashed trailers?  I started with a Google search for trashed trailers, and got a lot of hits for the trailer for a movie called Trashed.  I also got pictures of Lindsay Lohan.  I'm not going to investigate that one any further, though I imagine a tantrum in a stage set trailer or some ridiculous thing.

Then I tried "abandoned trailers" and hit the jackpot.  There are so many abandoned, trashed, broken trailers out there.  I've always found images of decay to be very beautiful, and there is no shortage when it comes to trailers.

So there you go.  Abandoned, broken, decayed trailers will be my Tuesday Trash focus - for now.

Our first trailer is a much photographed pink beauty left abandoned on the shores of the Salton Sea.

Decaying in Pink 5

Poor thing!  But no worries, if you'd like to spend the night, there's still a few amenities available.

Pink Oven

And if you'd like to do a bit of touch up work, there's still a can of paint available!

Pink Paint | The Salton Sea

You can even call your friends on the phone!

What's your favorite color?

One ringie dingie, two ringie dingie... I'm sorry, there's no answer.

Nobody home.

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